Iphone How Can I Reset My Iphone 3g To Factory Settings Without Deleting Everything Off It?

How can I reset my iphone 3g to factory settings without deleting everything off it? - iphone

I have an iPhone 3G and I am so excited that I am filled with many applications and songs (about 30 million U.S. dollars) was. The other day when I plugged my iPhone into the computer in iTunes, said the restoration of the iPhone to factory settings. I do not want all of my applications, what can I do to lose? PLEASE RESPOND ASAP


Mohit J said...

Hey there

ok so heres what you do when ur iTunes and disconnect, all the applications in the Applications tab of iTunes will be stored, so do not worry, only the original factory settings THN wants to synchronize with your computer and all applications come back. If you hae a question or concern, the message I Fr3shPrinc378@yahoo.com

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thankzz. "

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